Farhan's Personal and Professional Blog

Duplicate a Django modelformset_factory Form

I created a formset_factory and wanted to have a simple “click me to add another form”. This seemed like a routine task, but the solutions I found online were unnecessarily complicated or required me to install a separate Django app, which I had no intention of doing. So I created my own… The only pre-requirement that this needs besides standard Django is jQuery. So here is a rough overview of how this works:


Custom Django Fixture Imports

I needed to convert an XML document into a customize Django model with modifications to the based on programmable logic. Converting it to my model’s fixture would take too long and be unnecessary work, so I instead opted to manually convert the data. I figured I could just import the Django model object, as is follows: from tester.models import Control a = Control() However, I got the following vexing error in red:


Hotspot Hijacking & Password Capturing

Unless you know enough about security to know what’s going on behind the scenes, Wifi is beyond insecure. Even with SSL as an attempt to secure a web connection, your connection is still fundamentally insecure. This is an explanation of how someone would capture passwords and other variables sent over an SSL connection that uses Wifi. In essence, its a Man in the Middle (MiM) attack over Wifi that modifies the victim’s HTTP connection and thus gathers GET and POST variables.


Old Chat Framework in C

During my high school years, I used to be part of an “underground” IRC server. We would talk about security-related topics and the latest exploits, usually about some Unix variant. Even though no one would really care about our late-night computer conversations, I thought it best that we chat over an encrypted medium, and considering that I knew nothing about how SSL could serve to transparently encrypt IRC daemons and clients, I decided to write my own encrypted chat server.


Simple Economics of the IPv6 Transition

The vast majority of the Internet currently operates on Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), a 32-bit addressing system which theoretically allows for 4,294,967,295 (2^32-1) unique IP addresses. Though this may seem like an inexhaustible supply of addresses, current figures estimate less than 10% of it remains. The remaining address space would be far less had it not been for the deployment of Network Address Translation (NAT), which extends IPv4’s life, but also breaks the iEnd-to-End principle.

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